Sound Healing Course
One-on-one appointments with our expert allied health professionals to treat your individual health concerns ​ Note: You don't need to be a Heal'r member to book a clinic appointment
A holistic approach to the prevention of illness and the treatment of disease.
An alternative medicine based on the practice of treating 'like with like'.
A tool to better understand yourself as an individual in mind, body and spirit.
The study of the patterns on the eye to inform a person's health status.
Natural remedies to increase immunity, balance, hormones and the nervous system.
Muscle monitoring to determine what is causing 'imbalances' in the body.
Overcome fear and self-doubt and set meaningful goals to create a life on your terms.
Nutritional counselling, meal planning and education for healthy eating habits.
Increase the circulation of blood to your organs and tissues and decrease stress.
The manipulation of musculoskeletal tissues to treat acute pain.
Treating or preventing disease using diet, exercise and massage.
Remedial support to aid traditional physiotherapy treatment.
Highly qualified and expertly trained, our Heal’r practitioners are genuine people you can relate to.
Book a studio and clinic tour today and start your journey towards finding your Heal'r within.